Monday, April 23, 2007

Mi Primer Viaje en Camion

Ayer fue mi primer viaje en camion. Me sorprendio la facilez en cual Ana Laura se subio. Yo media muerta me subi y ella bien calmada. Pero fue una experencia que me va ayudar. ¡Ya no me pueden hechar carilla porque puedo decir que he subido en un camion!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mixed thoughts

Easter was beautiful and one of the best I've ever had!!

This Sunday was one of the greatest days I've ever had. It was so refreshing to have another one of our "summer days". Everyone arrived at our house and the guys that were brave enough jumped in, pulling Marina in with them (i had already gotten in). We then spent the rest of the afternoon playing sports, watching movies, playing on the computer, making hot chocolate, and playing twister. We also called Mark to wish him a happy birthday and Orlando, Saul, and Manuel(e) attempted a game of Barbies.

I want to refresh your minds of your Middle School Memories. A poem read by ALMOST all seventh grade girls.

An Entrapment

My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;

I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.

Now, this may seem touching. But remember, these are 12, 13, and 14 year old girls. I seriously think they have boyfriends to put his initials on their hands and faces. Every time I hear about another "couple" I turn my head in shame. But I guess that's just middle school... =)

For Steven

I don't have as many options as you guys, but I have still had a lot of really awesome days:

- Sunday with navigators and youth group
- Christmas Eve 2006
- Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point) with the youth group
- My Kindergarden Graduation
- Magic Mountain with dad, Uncle Doug, and Lauren

Do you want explanations??????

Monday, April 9, 2007

Just Checking

Today I went to a spaceship shop and decided to get the model T instead of Ght. The GHT will last longer, but I don't have that much cash. Besides, the only places I ever visit are Gilbatron and its moons. Do you think I made an accurate decision? I'm doubting it a little.

After that I went shopping with Mom. We bought monkey eyes, Pig stomach, rat droppings, and fish barf. We made a delicious souflee with those ingredients. It kinda oozed a little in your mounth and smelled horrendous but it had a lot of protein.

Right now i'm in the middle of the jungle trying to fight off the watermelon monkies......

Jajajajajaja! I'm just checking to see if anyone reads my blog..... =)

Today Jane returned to Chicago. I pity her freezing up there while I'm swimming regularly!!! jejeje =)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Lugares Favoritas

Now that everyone has done it, I am going to do it, too.

Mis lugares MAS favoritas en el mundo (las que puedo visitar)
1. 608 w. Crawford Street Nogales, AZ
2. Cottage
3. En la sala con mis padres, hermanos, hermana, cuñada, y sobrina
4. Manantial de Vida
5. EN cualquier lugar con mis amigos de la iglesia
6. Casa de Pete vendiendo en la tiendita
7. Ayudando Yaneth en la casa pastoral
8. La Salida

Las que NO puedo visitar:
1. Venice, Italy
2. Countryside, England
3. Silverbush (una lugar en un libro)

pero Sobre TODAS estas, me gusta estar en mi cuarto con mi Biblia pasando mi tiempo con Dios.

Ya estoy nadando aqui en mi casa!!!!!! Es Muuuy chukis sentir la agua otra vez. Esa es otra de mis lugares favoritas. Pero es incluso con mi casa.