Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Extra Year

Ok... so i haven't posted in a while...


Sorry guys, well here it goes!!!!!!

The year that lays ahead of me will be full, new, and feels a little weird. I am going to be finished with middle school and will be entering high school! Woah!

Many of my friends are thinking of taking drastic measures in attemtp to pomp themeselves and are going to endeavor finishing in three years. I thought over it, as well, but decided against it. Every one of these students will be studying their brains out. Each spare minute will be filled with an open book. I will be able to spend more of my time doing other activities. In the long run, I think that the extra year will work to my advantage. Building relationships, having fun in high school, participating in church activities, and being able to work. These are the things that will be impossible for Manny, Isabella, Joseph... ect.

What do you guys think???