Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Argentina yeah!

ok so lately i've been neglecting my blog. =$ sorry. I'm a busy/lazy person. DOn't worry! i'll get over it =D.

I have decided to dedicate some of the next few blogs to my Argentina trip. This one is somewhat related to Steven's drastic goaL.

In the United States and Northern Mexico, we have this weird obsession for material "things". Somehow, money is important to us and our lives. People will choose an extra shift instead of a night with the family to have more money for the summer trip or the next version of Apple's ipod. The people in Carmen de Areco have a lifestyle that is so much less dependent on the worldly devices that make life easier. The youth take time while reaching for goals and careers to live at peace. Of course, they don't laze around doing nothing. Their extra time is filled building relationships, hanging out, eating together, ect. For example, when a teen may listen to their mp3, the people in Carmen will get together and PLAY music. I think that we need to realize that a new car isn't always the best idea.

Anyway, enough preaching for one sitting.