Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hey! Q ondas hermanitos, papis, y amigos!!! Well we´re finishing up our trip here in Ticul. I am sitting in a cafe internet writing a blog right now. This trip is absolutley great so far. We have had many laughs and even a few tears. The people in the church are dears and the whole experience has been a work of God. Jane, for your information, we had the most delicious tacos al pastor last night. But these are the original pork with cilantro, cebolla, and a slice of piƱa on top tacos. THe salcita runs down your chin. :-) For those of you who don´t know.... Pork soaked in a delicious salsa with many spices and slowly cookes on a spinning stick. mmmmmmm....

Well my time has run out and I must now depart for the plaza to buy you gifts :-)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ticul, Here I CcomMe!

I know, I know... my bogs have been a bit well... scarce. But, I've been really busy getting ready for Ticul. As you know, I am leaving for this beloved place in 2 days! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! I ask you guys to pry for our mission, our unity, and the whole thing all together. Thanks guys! There will be no posts for a while...